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3 Ways To Make More Sales From Your Products on a Shelf Than The Competition

    It can be tough to break through in a competitive market. In most cases, one of the biggest buyers of your products is likely to be retail stores. These retail stores are compartmentalized such that similar products are shelved in the same section.

    This leaves your product competing with other similar products on the shelf. However, your product should not be seen as a commodity. Just because your competitors are selling similar products does not mean yours is interchangeable with theirs. You can give buyers a reason to choose your product over the competition.
    But, how do you tip over an undecided customer to choose your product on the shelf? Here are 4 ways you can increase sales of your products on the shelf.

    1. Persuasive labeling

    The labeling on your product can also play a role in attracting customers. Use persuasive language and label design to highlight the benefits of your product to encourage customers to choose your product over others.

    Also, Many buyers overlook a product because of the inconsistency with the price labeling at retail stores. Sometimes, the price displayed on the manual label on the shelf is different from what customers are charged at the checkout counter. This discourages buyers and increases the customer churn rate for that product.

    To reduce these cases of imprecision in price tags, many retail stores are leveraging digital technology to utilize labels like the SES-imagotag’s electronic shelf labels. Hence, price updates can be automated and more efficiently executed to boost customer confidence in the pricing system.

    2. Attractive packaging

    The packaging of your products is an important factor that can influence a customer’s decision to buy your product. Ensure your packaging is visually appealing as it can help your product stand out on the shelf.

    Here are a few ways to strategically use packaging to sell more of your products:

    Relevance of packagin

    Your product should have a target market. Invest in researching what appeals to this target market and incorporate your findings into the details of your packaging. For instance, if your product is an energy drink, its design and packaging container should be relevant to drinks.

    If it were packaged like a skincare product, that would confuse a lot of customers who may not have the time to read the details on the packaging material to know what the product is.

    Packaging size

    Size is important when it comes to packaging. Most buyers opt for products they can conveniently move around. Depending on your product type, it should be moderately sized to avoid taking up a lot of shelf space and make transportation easier for customers. The key is to remember that if you make it easier for people to buy from you, they will be more likely to buy.

    Design and color theme choice

    Product packaging design such as images, font style, and even color theme combinations used on the packaging material can impact sales of your product. The font style should not be dramatic or ‘special’ since it would make it more difficult for some buyers to read.

    Also, the color choice should reflect the type of product you are offering. Most water bottling companies use the color blue in their product design. This is because blue has a soothing effect and gives the impression of satisfaction.

    3. Shelf placement

    Shelf placement can have a big impact on sales. Try to secure a prime spot on the shelf, such as at eye level or the end of an aisle. This makes it more likely that customers will see and consider your product.

    Bottom line
    You can choose to differentiate your products from those of your competitors in a lot of other ways like price, durability, and ease of use. Price is an important factor for many customers. Make sure your prices are competitive, but also consider the value that your product offers.

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